Thursday, March 22, 2007

Food Recall for me

Oh, where do I start. Here I am alive and my beloved Flash is dead all because of me and my weak stomach. I am guilt ridden, I just love gravy so much and I was suffering gravy addiction and my human bought me gravy food and I would lap up the succulant gravy and Flash would eat the food for me. We were such a pair. I have learned that the food was tainted. They were out to get me, I knew it... but it backfired and my friend died for me. I will have to refer to him as a hero, I will give him knighthood and we will refer to him as Sir Flash. I knew the government was out to get me and my beautiful fur. they have been after me forever and this proves the conspiracy. I'm sure my human man was behind it...ahhhh I am not laughing .... I had my human call Menu Foods and find out more information for Sir Flash and his dignified death.

Sir Flash died from kidney failure, he was only 7 years old.... I will rise above all of this.... I am King Kitty Cassanova and all will worship me... I faced death and I'm back and I live to tell the tale, Sir Flash will not have died in vein.

Here kitty kitty kitty!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Out of Rehab

Yes, I must admit... I am an addict. I had kept my addiction at bay until I lost my companion Flash. I shaved my fur, got my ear pierced and had my lip pierced, I would have gotten a tattoo by Kat VonD but she was too far away. I am addicted to catnip. I know, you think it is just a passing phase, but I thrive, live and breath for catnip. I will do almost anything. I have climbed on top of every appliance, searching for the fix. I will attack anything that comes between me and my catnip. I was in denial but I am back and I'm strong. I laugh in the face of catnip. It will never ever rule me again. I am the master of my body and my brain, I am the ruler of all cats. I am Cassanova the King the greatest of greats, the most wonderful, delightfully witted animal to walk this earth. I will forever be in history, I will be cloned, but I will never ever be duplicated and I will never touch cat nip again.

I laugh in the face of it all! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..

sorry, I gotta take a nap, that wore me out. C

Sunday, February 11, 2007

my sadness

I'm not laughing in the face.

My heart is broken
My pitter patter is more like a slump
I cry in the night
My sadness is so deep
I forever am changed
My companion of 7 years is gone
My dear friend Flash passed away 3 weeks ago
I will never be the same
I miss him so dearly
Please forgive my sadness
If you ever have had a friend cross rainbow bridge you know my pain
I will be back to my old self soon
Until I feel better, my laughter is subsidded
My paws are tied for now

Love Cassanova
In memory of Flash May 1999 - Jan 2007